Joint officer’s meeting. Anyone with business for the Session or Diaconate should reach out to an officer or plan to attend.
Church Workday
Saturday October 7, 2023 the church has a workday planned starting at 10am. Come out and help us clean the yard and the inside of the church in preparation for the new fall activities that are kicking off!
We plan to pick up branches, tackle some hedges, clean the downstairs rooms, throw out some items laying around, and refresh some classrooms. Let’s make the church sparkle for the fall…All assistance is welcome so come out and join us!
Officer Nominations
Eastminster is accepting nominations for Elder and Deacon. Please find a nomination form in the Narthex. All nominations must come from a communing member of Eastminster in good standing.
As you consider making a nomination, please check with your nominee to confirm their ability and willingness to accept the nomination.
Food Distribution Thursday August 24, 2023 4-6pm
Food Distribution Thursday August 24, 2023, from 4pm – 6pm. Please share with those who could use help and consider coming out to help if you’re able.
Session and Diaconate Meeting – Sunday August 20, 2023
The Eastminster Session and Diaconate are meeting Sunday August 20, 2023, at 12:30pm in room 104 at the church. If you have business for them, please contact the office to be added to the agenda. You are also invited to attend in-person.