Fellowship Dinner after church Sunday August 27, 2023

Potluck image

The Eastminster family invites you to join us for dinner after church on Sunday August 24, 2023. The theme is summer foods. The church is supplying hotdogs and hamburgers. You’re invited to bring your favorite side dish or dessert that you would enjoy during the summer.

See you there!

The Eastminster Future Committee

On Sunday July 30, 2023, the session called a congregational meeting to announce the creation of the Eastminster Future Committee. The session presented the idea of the committee to the congregation and then elaborated on it during the Corn and Watermelon dinner.

Picture of the Eastminster Presbyterian Church PowerPoint first page saying, "A discussion on the path forward"

The presentation recapped what has happened and what we need to do to move forward, i.e., we need to come together to decide where the Lord is leading EPC. An information update and survey were handed out to everyone in attendance. If you haven’t already, can you fill one out? There are copies in the narthex and foyer.

We need your input! Please consider participating in the Eastminster Future Committee!!!

Indian River Assisted Living Birthday List for August is out

birthday gifts picture

The birthday list for IRAL is out and on the table in the foyer. Please check out the list and sign-up to support one of our friends at IRAL. The presents are due to be turned into the church by Thursday morning August 24th.

This really is a wonderful opportunity and a real blessing! Please join us if you are able.

Additional Apps

On my first page, I left out some video related apps that I have also found useful and want to recommend.

RightNow – RightNow is a a video collection similar to Netflix or Hulu but for the Church. It has conference videos, Bible Study videos, and Christian Children’s videos (including Veggie Tales and some of the Superbook series). If you are a member of EPC or a friend of the Church, contact the office for a free login information.


The Chosen Series – The Chosen Series is a TV series based upon the gospels. You download an app for your smartphone to cast the program to your smartTV or you can watch via the website. The series is crowd funded by the viewers “paying it forward,” by paying for 10 other families to view the episodes of the series. While they are using English and some modern phrases, a very serious attempt to maintain the vision of the culture of the day and fidelity to the Scriptures. While not a relatively direct translation like the “Jesus Movie,” this series does a great job developing the characters of the gospels in ways you can identify with very easily. In the first episode you are introduced to Mary Magdalene, Nicodemus, Peter and Matthew. In the following episodes you see each character develop into the person you read about in the gospels.


Apps to use for your Growth

With Covid has come a whole new world in the area of ministry and ministry tools. I shared a few weeks back that I would post a listing of some of the recommended apps we use at Eastminster Presbyterian Church. I am going to break these down by category. While most are smartphone apps, I will include a few computer/tablet apps also. I will do my best to provide links for every possible operating system (os) available.


Echo Prayer App – A tablet and smartphone prayer app we use to post our emergency prayer needs. Users who subscribe to the EPC Feed are notified when a new prayer request is posted so that they can pray for the need. Our admins review the requests each week and when appropriate they are moved to the “answered” list.



Prayermate app – “PrayerMate brings all your prayer points together. Whether it’s your personal prayer points for friends and family, regular updates from some fantastic mission organisations, or the latest PDF prayer letter that just arrived in your inbox, PrayerMate puts it all together in one place and helps you get on and pray.”



Joshua Project – This app is for praying for unreached people groups around the world. Each day you receive a new people group or country, maps, background information, and specific prayer requests. It is a great app to keep the needs of Missionaries around the world in your prayers.



Scripture Memory Apps – I am still comparing these two apps. There are aspects I like about both of them so for now I am using them both in my attempts to memorize Scripture.

Bible Memory App – “The Bible Memory App is the only complete Bible memory system that makes it easy for you to Memorize, Organize, and Review verses.

You can even memorize and review verses while reading and studying your Bible, all in one app!”



Bible Memory Verses – This is an iOS app, meaning it can only be used on iphones or ipads. You can import verses from your favorite Bible app and use the app to help you memorize the verses. It is simpler than the previous app which may appeal to some.

You can download this from the Itunes App store on your iphone or ipad.

Bible Apps:

There are dozens of apps out there for use on every platform. This list will include the few that I am currently using.

ESV Bible App – This is a basic ESV Bible in electronic form. It does include some reading and devotional plans you can download. You can adjust light or dark screen, copy, take notes, and highlight within the app.



YouVersion Bible App – This is a great all purpose Bible reading app. While you have to be selective in the video, reading plans, and devotional areas as the theology is very broad with an emphasis on “Word of Faith” Movement. There are many good plans and devotionals for those coming from a Reformed perspective. You can use this in an online only mode or download specific Bible translations to use offline. There is a social media aspect of this app as you can develop your own friends list and the Church can post “Event” information through the app. We, EPC, have not used this app to its fullest extent but recommend its use for general purposes. You can also install this app on Alexa and Google Home devices and have the device read the text to you. Very useful for “God’s Word, Last Word.” before bed each night or “the Verse of the Day” each morning.



e-Sword – This Bible study software began as a free windows software ages ago. It utiziles texts, commentaries, and dictionaries that are in the public domain, though you can purchase contemporary titles if you wish. The app is now cross platform and available in almost every format you can think of, computer, tablet, or phone. I have run this software on mac os, linux, windows, and ios.


Olive Tree – I know a few of the officers use the Olive Tree app on their phones, tablets, and computers. It is cross platform compatible and is available in almost every format. It would be best to start at their website for more info and downloading instructions.


I pray that this synopsis will be helpful to you. If there are apps you are using, let me know.

Update #1

Calvin and Christ

Here is John Calvin expounding about Christ. Think through and meditate on this picture.


When we see salvation whole-its every single part is

found in Christ,

we must be aware lest we derive the smallest drop

from somewhere else.

If we seek salvation,

the very name of Jesus

teaches us

that he possesses it.

If other Spirit-given gifts are sought – in his anointing they are


strength – in his reign; and purity  – in his conception;

tenderness – expressed in his nativity,

in which he was made like us in all respects, that he might feel

our pain:

Redemption when we seek it, is in his passion found;

acquittal – in his condemnation lies;

and freedom from the curse – in his cross known.

If satisfaction for our sins we seek – we’ll find it in his


There’s cleansing in his blood.

And if it’s reconciliation that we need, for it he entered Hades;

if mortification of  our flesh – then in his tomb it’s laid.

And newness of our life – his resurrection brings and

immortality as well comes also with that gift.

And if we long to find that heaven’s kingdom’s our


His entry there secures it now

with our protection, safety too, and blessings that abound

-all flowing from his kingly reign.

The sum of all those who seek such treasure-trove of


These blessings of all kinds, is this:

from nowhere else than him can they be drawn;

For they are ours in Christ alone.

John Calvin, The Institutes of the  Christian Religion, 1.16.19, 1559 Latin ed. translation and versification are Dr. Sinclair B. Ferguson as published in The Whole Christ: Legalism, Antinomianism and Gospel Assurance – Why the Marrow Controversy Still Matters

Suggestions for the Reading Challenge

On May 31 I issued a Reading Challenge to the congregation of Eastminster Presbyterian Church. I wanted to take a moment and give some suggested books from each of the categories. These are only suggestions and are by no means the only books you can read.

  1. Fun Book of your Choice – I will leave this category totally up to you. I am partial to Historical Fiction so my fun books usually come from this genre.
  2. Biography of a Man or Woman of the Faith – This catagory is also a favorite of mine. There are a ton of books I can recommend to you let me begin with these:
    1. Praying Hyde
    2. The Life of Arthur W. Pink by Iain Murray
    3. George Whitefield  by Robert Philip or J.P. Gledstone or Arnold Dallimore
    4. The Diaries of David Brainard
  3. A Current Event driven Book
    1. Answering Jihad: A Better way Forward by Nabeel Quereshi
    2. Homosexuality by Kevin DeYoung
  4. A book written by a dead theologian – This could be a long list so I will only give a few.
    1. The Art of Divine Contentment  by Thomas Watson. Get a print copy, if you can find it and mark it up!
    2. The Art of Prophesying by William Perkins
    3. The God You can Know by Dan Dahaan
  5. Any C.S. Lewis Book – I really don’t think you need a list for these.
  6. A book on a doctrinal issue
    1. Basic Christianity by John Stott – a Classic
    2. The Attributes of God by Arthur W. Pink
    3. Creation and Change by Douglas Kelly
  7. A commentary on a book of the Bible
    1. Any Commentary by James Boice will be good reading
    2. Calvin’s Commentaries
    3. Life In Christ by Martin LLoyd Jones
  8. A book about dealing with relationships – Again, there are a ton of different ways to go with this one. Here are a few I liked in the past.
    1. The Marriage Builder by Larry Crabb
    2. When People are Big and God is Smallby Ed Welch

This list should get you started on this challenge. It is by no means exhaustive so be creative and enjoy your time. Let us know what you are reading. Go to our Facebook page and let us know what is on your list.