Wednesday Prayer Meeting

Eastminster Presbyterian Church 3229 MacDonald Road, Virginia Beach, VA, United States

Prayer meeting every Wednesday at 6pm in room 104.

Church Workday Saturday October 7, 2023

Eastminster Presbyterian Church 3229 MacDonald Road, Virginia Beach, VA, United States

Saturday October 7, 2023 the church has a workday planned starting at 10am. Come out and help us clean the yard and the inside of the church in preparation for the new fall activities that are kicking off! We plan to pick up branches, tackle some hedges, clean the downstairs rooms, throw out some items

Wednesday Prayer Meeting

Eastminster Presbyterian Church 3229 MacDonald Road, Virginia Beach, VA, United States

Wednesday Prayer Meeting in room 104 at 6pm.

Sunday Worship Services October 15, 2023

Eastminster Presbyterian Church 3229 MacDonald Road, Virginia Beach, VA, United States

Sunday morning worship at 11am as Rev Gary Roest brings the message. Join Sunday school at 9:45am.

Wednesday Prayer Meeting

Eastminster Presbyterian Church 3229 MacDonald Road, Virginia Beach, VA, United States

Wednesday Prayer Meeting in room 104 at 6pm.

Sunday Worship Services October 22, 2023

Eastminster Presbyterian Church 3229 MacDonald Road, Virginia Beach, VA, United States

Sunday Worship Services at 11am as Rev David Zavadil returns for a visit and brings the message.

Wednesday Prayer Meeting

Eastminster Presbyterian Church 3229 MacDonald Road, Virginia Beach, VA, United States

Wednesday Prayer Meeting in room 104 at 6pm.

Indian River Assisted Living – October Birthdays Event

Eastminster Presbyterian Church 3229 MacDonald Road, Virginia Beach, VA, United States

Birthday gifts for the Indian River Assisted Living members with birthdays in October will be distributed in conjunction with a birthday celebration. Please sign up to donate a gift or help with the distribution. The signup list is in the office foyer. This is a tremendous blessing for all involved!

Sunday Worship Services October 29, 2023

Eastminster Presbyterian Church 3229 MacDonald Road, Virginia Beach, VA, United States

Sunday Morning Worship as Rev Fred Showers brings the message. Worship at 11am. Sunday School at 9:45am.