Wednesday Prayer Meeting
Eastminster Presbyterian Church 3229 MacDonald Road, Virginia Beach, VA, United StatesWednesday Prayer Meeting in room 104 at 6pm.
Eastminster Presbyterian Church
Making, Maturing and Mobilizing Disciples for Christ!
Wednesday Prayer Meeting in room 104 at 6pm.
Birthday gifts for the Indian River Assisted Living members with birthdays in October will be distributed in conjunction with a birthday celebration. Please sign up to donate a gift or help with the distribution. The signup list is in the office foyer. This is a tremendous blessing for all involved!
Sunday Morning Worship as Rev Fred Showers brings the message. Worship at 11am. Sunday School at 9:45am.
Fellowship dinner after church on Sunday October 29, 2023. The theme is "Harvest Fare."
Join us before Sunday School. Sunday mornings at 9:15 am we enjoy coffee and light refreshments in a time of fellowship. It's sure to be a good time!
Worship service begins at 11am. Come hear the Reverend Gary Roest bring a message from Matthew, "An Invitation to Accept the Yoke of Jesus." You won't be disappointed and are sure to be blessed with a wonderful message from Gary.
The church is preparing for the Christmas season. Come out and join us as we put up the decorations, get into the Christmas spirit, and enjoy the fellowship of greening the church! 6pm on Monday November 27th.
You donated birthday gifts, now come out and join us as we walk next door and deliver those gifts. You can participate in the party and see the impact your generosity has on those in need. It's a wonderful mercy opportunity and a tremendous blessing for everyone. Come out on Thursday November 30th at 2pm …
The adult Sunday School starts a new study on Sunday December 3rd. We are going through the book of Luke. This is a great start to our advent season and is a wonderful look at Luke's account of the life of Jesus. Sunday School is every Sunday morning at 9:45 am. Lesson materials are provided.
The Session of Eastminster has called for a congregational meeting after worship services on Sunday December 3rd. The purpose of the meeting is to elect a pulpit search committee. All members are invited to come and participate in this important meeting regarding the future of Eastminster.