Church Workday

Saturday October 7, 2023 the church has a workday planned starting at 10am. Come out and help us clean the yard and the inside of the church in preparation for the new fall activities that are kicking off!

We plan to pick up branches, tackle some hedges, clean the downstairs rooms, throw out some items laying around, and refresh some classrooms. Let’s make the church sparkle for the fall…All assistance is welcome so come out and join us!

Fellowship Dinner after church Sunday August 27, 2023

Potluck image

The Eastminster family invites you to join us for dinner after church on Sunday August 24, 2023. The theme is summer foods. The church is supplying hotdogs and hamburgers. You’re invited to bring your favorite side dish or dessert that you would enjoy during the summer.

See you there!

The Eastminster Future Committee

On Sunday July 30, 2023, the session called a congregational meeting to announce the creation of the Eastminster Future Committee. The session presented the idea of the committee to the congregation and then elaborated on it during the Corn and Watermelon dinner.

Picture of the Eastminster Presbyterian Church PowerPoint first page saying, "A discussion on the path forward"

The presentation recapped what has happened and what we need to do to move forward, i.e., we need to come together to decide where the Lord is leading EPC. An information update and survey were handed out to everyone in attendance. If you haven’t already, can you fill one out? There are copies in the narthex and foyer.

We need your input! Please consider participating in the Eastminster Future Committee!!!

Indian River Assisted Living Birthday List for August is out

birthday gifts picture

The birthday list for IRAL is out and on the table in the foyer. Please check out the list and sign-up to support one of our friends at IRAL. The presents are due to be turned into the church by Thursday morning August 24th.

This really is a wonderful opportunity and a real blessing! Please join us if you are able.