We’re having a potluck after church. Join us for fellowship, food, and fun. Immediately following morning worship service. Drop your food off at the fellowship hall before church and join us afterwards.
Baby Bottle Campaign – Mother’s Day thru Father’s Day
Eastminster Presbyterian Church is supporting the Crisis Pregnancy Center’s Baby Bottle Campaign. Will you join us by picking up a baby bottle in the office foyer and donating your change to them?
Baby bottle distributions began on Mother’s Day and will run through Father’s Day. Please make sure you sign the sheet when you take a bottle.
Fellowship Dinner after church Sunday May 19th
Will you join us for some food, fun, games, and fellowship after church? If is sure to be a good time and all are welcome to join in on the fun!
Harvest News – April 2024
Officer Nominations
Eastminster is accepting nominations for Elder and Deacon. Please find a nomination form in the Narthex. All nominations must come from a communing member of Eastminster in good standing.
As you consider making a nomination, please check with your nominee to confirm their ability and willingness to accept the nomination.
Fellowship Dinner Sunday September 24th
After church on Sunday September 24th, we’re having our potluck fellowship dinner. Will you join us! Bring your favorite lunch and join us for a fun time of food and friendship!
Sunday School and Communicant’s Class
We are resuming Sunday School on October 1st at 9:45am. Please sign up in the foyer.
We are also starting a new communicant’s class. Please see RE Joe Williams for information!
Preaching Schedule for October 2023
Here is the preaching schedule for October of 2023:
- October 1st: Rev Ron Rice
- October 8th: Rev Ruffin Alphin
- October 15th: Rev Gary Roest
- October 22nd: Rev David Zavadil
- October 29th: Rev Fred Showers
Congregational Meeting Sunday July 30, 2023
There will be a congregational meeting after services on Sunday July 30, 2023.